How to get better at hiring? A few simple questions can go a long way…

Hiring is one of the most challenging - and important - parts of building any team or business. Because humans are involved, it’s squishy, lumpy; art as much as science. Let’s not even get started on the assumptions and biases we’re all riddled with.

While I am definitely still learning how to do this well, one thing I’ve found helpful is well-designed interview questions - both to candidates and references.

Here are a few. Feel free to use, remix, or critique. Even better, add your own favourites in the comments. 

(And for a bit of self-coaching, you may like to try them out on yourself, too…)

For an interview:

1. What from your resume/LinkedIn would you most like to hide?

2. What from your resume/LinkedIn do you wish was more visible… or more visceral?

3. If you were in my shoes, what criteria would you be using to hire someone for this role?

4. How do you think this interview is going so far?

To ask references:

(I increasingly believe reference calls are undervalued)

1. If you rated the best person you’ve ever seen in this role as 10/10, how does Person X score? What would bring them closer to 10?

2. If you were coaching Person X, what two things would you do to help them up their game?

3. If you could hire someone else (‘Person Y’) to complement X and do exactly the same role as them (imagine you’re creating a perfect duo!), what would Y need to be good at in order to offset X’s strengths and weaknesses?

4. What do you believe most motivates X today, and how has that changed in the time you’ve known them?

P.S. I’m hiring on a couple of projects right now. I'm seeking freelance humans across the venn diagram of Experience & Learning Design, Community Development, and Creative Production. You can be based anywhere, as long as you can work (mainly) NYC hours. 

If this piques your interest, give me a holler. And yes, these questions may come up…

8 questions to get better at hiring

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