The Creds Doctor

If you’re a self-employed knowledge worker or creative, you probably have some kind of credentials document. A portfolio; an intro deck; a set of capabilities. Something snappy to sell your wares.

But producing these fills many of us with deep dread. While we’re capable enough in most of our working lives, when the mirror is turned onto ourselves we freeze. Spin the wheels. Regress into a wobbly mess.

A simple antidote - and a cool business opportunity - comes courtesy of the creds coach (or is it 'portfolio partner'? 'reel refinery'? Yes, your hunch is correct: I have never run a naming agency).

Whatever they’re called, these individuals review, sharpen, and finesse the portfolios of their fellow travelers. And they help them compellingly communicate their work and story to the world. This doesn’t just mean making a nice slide deck. They’re able to deliver across multiple audiences, formats, and scenarios.

As a business opportunity, services can be delivered in compact, easy to understand packages, with a sleek and seamless process behind the scenes.

It can be location agnostic, highly productized, with a whole bunch of potential bolt-ons. Probably best to niche down to avoid excess competition.

Services can be delivered either as a single fee, or perhaps a back-end deal (say a % of contracts secured over the next 1-2 years). Do it as a solopreneur, or a dynamic duo with complementary skill sets.

Two of the biggest challenges people face are simply:
1) getting out of their own way;
2) selling themselves. 

But while these may be simple - they're not easy.

It may well be worth seeking - or becoming - a creds doctor. No health insurance or med school required.