I’ve just finished evaluating proposals for SXSW 2025. Here are 7 things that separate the standouts from the rest...

  1. Why now?
    It’s rarely a good thing if your proposal was teleported from the 2021 schedule (let alone 2007). Some topics are truly evergreen. Most aren’t. We want to know why this matters now.

    A simple way to find your why (now): Ladder off a recent shift in the world that has knock-on effects. Three examples: i) tech that enable new kinds of transactions / interactions; ii) a key social/cultural event; ii) a change in legislation (Pro Tip: this last one is undervalued)
  2. Use video
    No, not a recording of that janky Zoom webinar you did during the pandemic. Make something for this submission. It can be incredibly simple - just you walking down the street is totally fine. A short, clear video can instantly put you in the top 30% of submissions. And video is ESSENTIAL if you’ve chosen a presentation-driven format.
  3. Format
    While we’re talking about formats… yes, you can submit a panel, but should you? Think about the material you are conveying. Is a multi-person discussion the best delivery method? And if you have ideas on how to elevate a traditional format (e.g. interactive product demo during a panel session) - make sure you show us.
  4. Triangulate
    I wish I had a dollar for every time I leave the comment ‘too broad’. You may worry about being too niche. Don’t - especially at an event as big as SXSW. Use your industry or areas of interest to slim down your focus.

    Examples: 'How AI &amp Humans can create engaging content' -&gt 'How PR pros use LLMs for crisis comms'. Or “Why podcasts are the new opportunity for Asian-American hair &amp makeup creators” - still easily big enough. Speaking of makeup, I made up that last one.
  5. Diversity
    Diversity covers multiple dimensions. Should your panel on Men’s Mental Health not feature any women? Might your session on Sports Brands &amp Creators be elevated with a speaker from a seemingly unrelated - yet fascinating and relevant - industry or community? Your call. Either way, diversity is… diverse.
  6. Word Salad
    “Immersive”, “Connection”, “Engage”, “Authentic”. Re-read your description. Are there one (or six) too many buzzwords? Trim 'em.

    Btw, feel free to use AI to help, just be mindful that evaluators can sniff out a quick copy-paste from ChatGPT…
  7. AI rush
    There a LOT of AI proposals. If you are pitching something here it needs to i) be genuinely insightful (and something that isn’t available on YouTube), and ii) demonstrate you have actually built something with AI tools.

    Again, think about format. Only talking about AI can feel as abstract as trying to dance about architecture—it’s hard to fully grasp until you engage with it directly.

Ok, that’s it for now. 7 ways to make a better proposal for SXSW - or just about any conference, really.

7 ways to improve a conference speaking proposal

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