Adventures in Entertainment, Technology & Entrepreneurial Endeavours - 005

Adventures in Entertainment, Technology & Entrepreneurial Endeavours - 005

Adventures in
Entertainment, Technology &
Entrepreneurial Endeavours

edition 005


This edition of 'Adventures...' comes to you from the peaceful Surrey Hills countryside, the location of my first forays as a teenage music promoter.
A handful of people at the local village hall quickly became (via a Saturday job at the local record store) several hundred at undercover parties held deep in the forest... it's amazing what a bit of fresh country air can do.

As ever, here are a bunch of articles that have piqued my interest in the last week or two, plus some writing from my own fair hand.

I hope you like it; if you do then tell a friend - they can add themselves to the recipients list right here >

Howard @howardgray

From the desk of... me

Article: So you wanna be a boxer?

A love letter to the sweet science from a pacifist with two left feet.

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Article: The Bookshelf

Reading recommendations for this month. From Boris Johnson to the bizarre economics of modern art.

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10 Ingredients for Success for Recording Artists in 2016

Breaking down what it takes to break through in the modern music industry.

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The future of working...and living?

WeWork is now valued at $16bn and growth doesn't seem to be slowing down. But how defensible is its business model? Personally, I'm a little sceptical.

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20 Unconventional Rules for Getting Clients

I recently re-read 'Ogilvy on Advertising'; this post nicely summarises some of that book's pearls of wisdom. Applicable to many creative and business endeavours.

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